Miss Bugs

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Born in Bristol in 1979 but founded in early 2007, the MissBugs partnership consists of two people – boy and girl – Miss & Bugs – Bugs being the creative force and Miss being the muse and trusty lookout. MissBugs draws inspiration from television, cartoons, news events, celebrities and religion. Continuously exploring these areas in his work; at times taking a dark and humorous approach, mixing religion with pornography or looking at the art world with a sometime cynical eye. Their use of iconic symbols as a source of inspiration with imagery from popular culture such as Bugs Bunny, is used and remixed to represent a personal ideal or cultural stance. Or sometimes it’s just simple nostalgia for a man in a red cape and pants on the outside of his blue leggings. MissBugs had a sell-out show at the gallery in June 2008, called the State of Art. Read more about it in our What’s On section.

~ ink-d.co.uk